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Analytics Debugger for Apps

The simplest, most user-friendly, and precise method for debugging your app's analytics implementation

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Analytics Debugger for Apps, formerly known as iOS/Android Debugger (デバッガ), is a tool designed to debug and audit analytics implementations on Android and iOS platforms. It is currently available in an ongoing open-beta phase, which implies that users might encounter bugs or experience unsupported features during its use.

One of its key attributes is the ability to seamlessly integrate with any application. Additionally, it offers a unique reporting layout, customized for each specific vendor, instead of a one-size-fits-all interface. This customization greatly enhances the debugging experience, making it more satisfying and efficient.

This tool is available at no cost and provided 'as-is'. Although we are committed to supporting a wide range of features, we cannot assure its long-term viability. However, this aspect is supported by our sponsors. If you or your team find this tool beneficial, consider trying it out and becoming a sponsor.

How it Works

To utilize this tool, a license is required. Fortunately, these licenses are freely available through our user panel. After creating an account, the sole requirement for maintaining the license is to remain subscribed to our newsletter. Interestingly, our unsubscription rate is an astonishing 0%, not due to our excellence, but because we haven't sent a single email in over 10 years :)

Main Features

Real-time data

Track events as they happen, ensuring data accuracy.

Events validation

Verify event tracking implementation and identify issues promptly.

Troubleshooting aid

Quickly resolve tracking problems and maintain data integrity.


Debug your app implementation across iOS and Android Platforms.

Supported Vendors

Firebase Analytics Adobe Analytics Google Analytics 4 SnowPlow
Analytics Debugger Duck Logo

Frequently Asked Questions

Why the Japanese Letters ( in old versions )

I've noticed a certain hesitation from some people regarding the Japanese characters featured on the logo over the years, often mistakenly referred to as "Chinese characters" or "Asian letters". These mysterious characters, デバッガ, actually belong to Katakana, a Japanese silabary commonly used for foreign words. In this context, they read as "Debagga," and yes, you guessed it right, it simply means "Debugger" in Japanese.

These beginnings can be traced back to 2018 when, while working in Tokyo for a client, I began developing my very first public debugging tool during my evenings at the hotel. I needed a logo at the time and thought using those characters on it would be a great idea, not only to remember where all this started but also to show my respect to the Japanese culture.

During the recent process of renaming my tools, I made the choice to eliminate these origins in order to ensure consistency among all the tool names. Additionally, I had the hope that this change would contribute to the restoration of trust among our user base.

Is it Actually Free, and If So, Why?

This is probably the question I get asked the most. I created this tool to meet my own needs in assisting my clients with their implementations, not as a business venture. I'm committed to keeping this tool free, depending on sponsorships from agencies and analysts who genuinely benefit from its use in their daily work.

However, if the tool becomes financially unsustainable due to insufficient support, there's a possibility that it may eventually need to be discontinued.

Can I contribute and support this project?

To support the project, considering a sponsorship would be greatly appreciated. It allows me to allocate time for further development of the tool alongside my regular work. Additionally, simply sharing information about this tool with others can be a significant help.

Is my data safe when using Analytics Debugger for Apps?

Some people think there's a hidden reason for giving away this tool for free. ( like if paid tools were more secure ... hah ). All data you observe during your debugging session is exclusively utilized for display purposes in the debugger reports, and once the app is closed, all of this data is promptly discarded. I want to emphasize once more that it is never, and I mean never, transmitted to any external destination.

What information is available regarding the Tool Assessment and Evaluation process?

In the last year, numerous companies have reached out for information to evaluate the tool. However, due to the tool being free, budget constraints have made it challenging to afford legal assistance, and as a result, I haven't been able to supply the needed details. Nonetheless, addressing this issue effectively and ensuring that all necessary information for a thorough assessment of the tool is available is a key goal for me this year.